jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016

Teleferico, Puerto Plata

 In 1970 in the mountain “Isabel de Torres”, at the top of the fortress, “El Cristo Redentor”, a Christ the Redeemer statue, was inducted with a vision of a greater tourist attraction. In June 1971 construction began on the highway from El Cupey to the base of the mountain, so as to facilitate the easy transportation of machines and equipment required for the construction of the “Teleférico”, cable car.
The Dominican government signed an agreement with the Italian firm Ceretti e Tanfani for their supply of equipment, later used to build the Teleférico, at which point in 1972 the civil engineering began.
The Teleférico is located in the city in the mountain Isabel de Torres, it circulates continuously, it features three cables on both sides, it has two cable cars, two stations and one cable support tower.
In 1973 the “Jardín Botánico”, Botanical Garden, was built along with surrounding gardens and fountains.
At the end of 1974 all required equipment was installed and trial-runs began and continued over the course of the next six months.
The installation of the Teleférico, which was built as a tourist attraction, has positively affected the city of Puerto Plata and the country as a whole, as it is the only cable car ride in the Caribbean, and has been visited by tourists from all continents of the world.
At its highest point there are two initials embroidered in flowers that represent the names of the Spanish Catholic Kings, Fernando and Isabel (a symbol of the American Colonization), which is the symbol that depicts the city of Puerto Plata.
This attraction gives the Dominican Republic great importance, due to its exotic beauty and extensive “Parque Nacional”, National Park, whose lush greenery meeting the blue of the ocean makes it even more beautiful, and only from the Teleférico can we appreciate its majestic contrast.
The dome, recognized as the base on which the Christ the Redeemer statue rests on the mountain Isabel de Torres, is a true symbol of strength, which was the precise purpose of its construction: a fortress of air defense for some and a Pillbox for others. Built by Trujillo to protect the city from possible foreign invasions.

On both sides the loopholes were equipped with aircraft artilleries. On the surface, where today rests the Christ the Redeemer statue, was a hexagonal shaped gate, which, from the inside, opened up to a canon, or some other sort of hardware able to counteract attacks of all sorts, be that maritime, aerial or ground. Moreover, due to its panoramic shape, the dome was perfect for vigilance of the entire shore line.
Strategically, the fort was camouflaged by grass, so that, due to its dome shape, it could be mistaken for a hill. But, unfortunately, the dome resulted in being inoperative. Due to climate circumstances that prevail in this environment, notably the degree of cloudiness and fog, it did not allow for neither visibility nor constant vigilance.
The Architect Cristian Martínez,  was he who then came up with the idea to install a cable car in order to ascend to the summit of the mountain, and in 1972 the then President, Dr.Balaguer, gave the order to begin construction. One year later the Italian firm Ceretti e Tanfani commenced the installation of the Teleférico of Puerto Plata and concluded labour in 1974.
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After six months of trial-runs, on July 19, 1975, the Teleférico opened its doors to the public, and that same year it was officially inaugurated by ceremony.
And in 1973 the Engineer Benjamin Paewonsky was given the task of converting the entire summit of the mountain into a botanical garden.

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