martes, 10 de mayo de 2016

The Amber Museum

The Amber Museum

There are many places that invite themselvesto be visited in Dominican Republic.-
The Museum of amber in Santo Domingo isone of themThe majestic nature of thisisland of the Caribbean was blessed since itsdiscovery by Cristóbal Colón.
Dominican amber dazzles much tourist cometo this country. Many bear witness to thevariety of colours of Dominican amber. It can be found in many colors, in addition to the clear, yellow amber color and color of honey that are fairly common, there are also red and green in smaller amounts, in addition to the incredible blue amber. Collectors are passionate with the impressive thing about this stone of vegetable origin.
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The Museum of the Dominican amber, have collections of samples ofamberDominican amber is more transparent, and has a greater number offossils. Studies have Dominican amber is 40 million years old. It can befound in mines of the Northern Cordillera, also in the area of Sabana de laMar.
The source of this natural wonder is in the tree Hymenaea protera. Tourists and visitors to the Dominican Republic are entertained by this special beauty of nature Caribbean, offering a unique experience to behold. The Santo Domingo amber Museum allows visitors to glimpse the chromatic diversity, sizes and origin of this attractive stone. There is also a well where you cansee the circumstances in which the extraction of amber is promoted.
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Science is favoured with the Dominican amber where variety of insects havebeen found. Collectors have paid big capital for these authentic naturalbeauty. Amber fromthe Dominican Republic has no comparison with otheramber. Caribbean nature invites you to be visited.
Location of the Museum of the Dominican amber
The Colonial amber Museum, one of the most beautiful and importantdestinationsof tourists interested in the culture of the Dominican Republicamber is located in the calle Arzobispo Meriño, No 452, Esq. restoration,Colonial City, Santo Domingo.

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